And I was delighted to do it.
Then I went to a Bible study here on campus that I had never been to before. The man who led us in the word was talking about Philippians 3. He said something, as a quick side note, that has stuck with me. He said, “I promise you, the God who made the giant galaxies down to the little butterflies is not impressed by your good works.”
Of course, I know this. I was blessed to be raised in the Body. But it hurt to hear. In fact, it was damaging. I guess before it had never really hit me. I know that my good works are filth. But still… I was really upset by this… after all, I was impressed that I managed to read my Bible every day. I was impressed with a lot of the stuff I had been doing. God knows me, He should be impressed that I accomplished it, right? Or that He accomplished it through me? The truth is I have been really disciplined lately, I have prayed and fasted on behalf of my friends and campus, and the world. I have been working hard to be a living sacrifice to my Lord…..
Reality check: the God who created the giant galaxies and the little butterflies is not impressed with me reading my Bible for three minutes a day a few days in a row.
Last night at The Point, a Bible study I attend weekly, we discussed forgiveness. After the message one of my brothers stood and praised the amazing way the Lord has forgiven us and his response to our successes and failures in following our Lord. He was blown away by the compassion of our King-Father in His celebration of our stumbling steps. “God is like a Father celebrating our first steps, grabbing the camera.”
Suddenly it clicked. God is NOT impressed with attempts to follow Him. He delights in them.
Here is my attempt at expressing visually what i just tried to express verbally.

the God who created the galaxies and the grass is not impressed by my attempts at goodness

but He celebrates them in delight